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How to Franchise Your Business Masterclass

How to Franchise Your Business Presentation

About this masterclass

  1. Learn more about franchising
  2. Learn how to prepare to franchise
  3. FInd out if franchising is right for you
  4. Get started!

Franchising your business may be the growth opportunity that you are looking for and the next big step for your business and brand. But how do you know if franchising is right for you, the steps involved, and if you're doing right? Also, if you're not yet ready for franchising, what are the steps that you should be taking right now to prepare for the future.

If you have a great business and, as a founder or leader, you are focused on taking your business to the next level then this MasterClass is for you. In this immersive MasterClass you'll learn everything about franchising, including:

  • What franchising is all about, the pros and cons of franchising your business, and how to know if franchising is right for you;
  • The legal and business steps necessary to franchise your business;
  • How to evaluate your brand assets and protect your trademarks;
  • The cost to franchising your business;
  • What's involved in marketing and selling franchises; and
  • If you're not ready yet, how to prepare to franchise your business in the future.

This MasterClass includes a detailed workbook and reference materials.

About this masterclass

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